Resources and Notes

Notes on Quantum Chemistry

These notes on Quantum Chemistry were written by Professor David Sherrill as a resource for students at the college through post-graduate level interested in quantum mechanics and how it is used in chemistry. A Brief Review of Elementary Quantum Chemistry has been used by college students and curious high-school students worldwide. Other notes have been used in the NSF Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, a week-long workshop which introduces faculty at 2-year and 4-year colleges to modern techniques in chemical theory and computation for incorporation into their research, classroom teaching, and laboratory modules.

Introductory Quantum Chemistry
Computational Chemistry
General Quantum Chemistry
Computational Implementation

Copyright Notice: These documents are made available as a public service. Each document is copyrighted by the author. Please do not copy, reproduce, transmit, modify, or redistribute without the author's written consent.


These are miscellaneous notes and documents that could be useful for students and researchers in the field of quantum chemistry.

Scientific Writing

Copyright Notice: These documents are made available as a public service. Each document is copyrighted by the author. Please do not copy, reproduce, transmit, modify, or redistribute without the author's written consent.