Welcome to the Sherrill Group!
Research Areas
Dr. Sherrill appointed Interim Director of IDEaS

Congratulations to Dr. Sherrill on his appointment as the interim executive director of the Georgia Tech Institute for Data Engineering and Science (IDEas)! Through this role, he will support the interdisciplinary research across campus involving data science and high performance computing. Read more here: https://research.gatech.edu/david-sherril-serve-interim-director-institute-data-engineering-and-science
SC24 in Atlanta

The 2024 Supercomputing conference was in Atlanta this year. Dr. Sherrill, Lori, and Izzy were in attendance. Dr. Sherrill helped represent Georgia Tech at the GT booth, where a robotic marimba player was the star of the show!
SAPT0-D3/SAPT0-D4 Paper

SAPT0-D3 and SAPT0-D4 damping function parameter optimization paper finally published in JCP!
School of Chemistry and
Georgia Institute of
901 Atlantic Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0400
Delivery address: 311 Ferst Drive NW
Molecular Science and Engineering Building
Rooms 4201 (Group) and 2100M (Prof. Sherrill)
(Directions for visitors)