Submitting a Correction for Thinking in Java, 2nd Edition
Revision 12

Step one: View the pending corrections page here before submitting a correction or suggestion, to make sure your issue hasn't already been addressed. If it has, you can add comments to that issue.

Step two: If your issue has not been addressed, please completely fill out the form below:

Your name:

Your Email address:
(Your email address will be mangled to foil spam harvesters. Putting your email address here will not add you to the mailing list and it will not be given to anyone.)


Text to search for:

Suggested correction. Line wrapping is automatic. There is no limit to the text in this box -- please submit entire code listings if appropriate:

Submit your suggestion ONLY ONCE! You must refresh the Pending Corrections page in order to see the results!

If you have submitted a suggestion/correction for the first edition of the book, please note that I may not have fixed your particular suggestion yet. In very rare situations this means I couldn’t implement your fix for some reason. Most of the time it just means I have it on the huge long list and am still working towards implementing it.