New Challenges from Experiment


Ahmed, Peterka, and Suits [J. Chem. Phys. 110, 4248 (1999)] reported the first experimentally deduced value for singlet-triplet gap in acetylene in 1999. Using velocity map imaging (VELMI), they studied the photodissociation of the vinyl radical, C2H3. Using the measured translational energy of the dissociated H atoms, along with the known energy of the incoming photons and the heats of formation of vinyl radical and H atom, they determined the heat of formation of the observed acetylene fragments. The major product was singlet vinylidene, but a minor product with very slow H atoms was also observed and assigned to 3B2 acetylene based on previous theoretical work. However, the determined excitation energy T0 (3B2) of 28 900 cm-1 was not in good agreement with the previous TZ(2df,2p) CCSD(T) ab initio value of T0 = 30 500 +/- 1000 cm-1.

Challenged by this discrepancy, we considered the following to be the primary possible improvements to the previous theoretical work:

Additionally, as Suits et al. planned to go to higher photon energies, we extended our study to a few higher-lying triplet states of vinylidene and acetylene.


We adopted the following strategy to definitively determine the singlet-triplet gap (and the next few triplet excitation energies) in acetylene to ``chemical accuracy.''

Our full results are presented in C. D. Sherrill, E. F. C. Byrd, and M. Head-Gordon, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 1447-1454 (2000). A summary of the most pertinent results for the singlet-triplet gap appears below:

T0 (cis 3B2, cm-1)a
TZ(2df,2p) CCSD(T)//DZP CISDb 31 000
cc-pVTZ CCSD(T) 30 870
Full T3 Correction -316
Core correlation +260
Basis Set Improvement TZ -> QZ +410
Basis Set Improvement QZ -> 5Z +120
Basis Set Improvement 5Z -> CBS est. +120
Relativistic correction -3
Final Te estimate 31 460
cc-pVTZ CCSD(T) ZPVE correction -560
Final T0 30 900
a C. D. Sherrill, E. F. C. Byrd, and M. Head-Gordon, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 1447-1454 (2000). bLundberg, Field, Sherrill, Seidl, Xie, Schaefer, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 8384 (1993).

The previous theoretical result is surprisingly accurate and completely supported by the vastly improved results presented in the more recent publication. The discrepancy with experiment is attributed to internal energy in the vinyl radicals, a possibility suggested by Suits and co-workers.

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C. David Sherrill
28 Jan 2000