#!/usr/bin/python # # testcgi.py # # Simple example of Python CGI # # C. David Sherrill, January 2010 # import cgi, sys, cgitb import urllib # escape characters for HTML and URL's cgitb.enable() # CGI traceback manager (help debugging) form = cgi.FieldStorage() # parse form data print "Content-type: text/html\n" # need the \n newline! html_header = """ CGI Test """ html_footer = """ """ htmlform = """

""" htmlform_end = "
Years with company:

" # send will equal Submit if the submit button has been pressed... # can check this by adding this line to the html string above # send = %(send)s suppdata = {} # meta-data for form # this loop only works if it is 2 or more items... need the comma if only 1 for field in ('send',): if not form.has_key(field): suppdata[field] = "" else: if type(form[field]) != list: suppdata[field] = form[field].value else: values = [x.value for x in form[field]] suppdata[field] = ' and '.join(values) # Note: nextitem is supposed to be boolean # print htmlform % data, where data is a dictionary with the keys above # need to set managerchecked to "checked" (if manager) or "" if not data = {} for field in ('name', 'job', 'years', 'manager'): if not form.has_key(field): data[field] = "" else: if type(form[field]) != list: data[field] = form[field].value else: values = [x.value for x in form[field]] data[field] = ' and '.join(values) if data['manager'] == "1": suppdata['managerchecked'] = "checked" else: suppdata['managerchecked'] = "" suppdata['years1'] = "" suppdata['years2'] = "" suppdata['years3'] = "" if data['years'] == "1": suppdata['years1'] = "selected" elif data['years'] == "2": suppdata['years2'] = "selected" elif data['years'] == "3": suppdata['years3'] = "selected" # make sure this call is done after all changes to suppdata and data # merge the data into suppdata suppdata.update(data) # Try to update the database if this was submitted # and it is a new item if (suppdata['send'] == "Submit"): # do any testing of form data here if (data['name'] == "" or data['job'] == ""): print html_header print htmlform % suppdata print "Error: must fill in name and job fields!" print html_footer else: # upload data to a database here # print ok to the user print html_header print "Adding data to the database.
\n" print "name=%s, job=%s, years=%s.
\n" % \ (data['name'], data['job'], data['years']) print "Is", if (data['manager'] == "1"): print "a manager.
\n" else: print "not a manager.
\n" print "New data submitted!
\n" print html_footer else: # if it wasn't submitted print html_header print htmlform % suppdata print html_footer